This book is about an amazing trip that I took up to the top of the world when I lived in Alaska. We traveled on a narrow dirt road from Fairbanks to Purdue Bay where the pipeline starts. I got to bounce on the spongy tundra, wade in the arctic ocean, ran away from dark clouds of swarming misquotes, meet people who still live off the land, watch wildlife up close, and more.

The text is almost word for word from my journal and the drawings are from my own photos, sketches, and a few post cards found along the way. The drawings are in colored pencil with ink on kraft paper. It took F_O_R_E_V_E_R to finish this book. I worked on this book while riding on many trains through Alaska and Canada. I also worked on this book while sitting in bars and coffee shops across Skagway, Anchorage, Jasper, Calgary, Seattle and during a few days of my friend's band practice in LA.

kraft paper, colored pencil, marker, off, hiking shorts